Car Line Drivers
Car Line Drivers
A line driver is a great addition to almost any system. Most amplifiers are generally set up to accept up to 5-8 volts of input through the RCA's and provide maximum output. The problem is that even if an aftermarket radio is claiming 4 volts of pre-out, by the time it's traveled 17 feet through an RCA and taking into account loss from the run and perhaps not being able to run full volume on the radio because of clipping, you might be getting half that (2 volts). This means that you have to turn your gain on the amp up to get the output. A line driver takes RCA (low level) in and RCA (low level) out. When it does this, you can boost that signal up quite a bit (this is usually adjustable on it). Now you can have your gain on the amp all the way down and have full output.
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